Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A PC that you can install in your WALL! » Our Picks - News, articles and reviews

A PC that you can install in your WALL! » Our Picks - News, articles and reviews: "A PC that you can install in your WALL!"

It’s called Jack PC, and it can fit into a network wall port. Just plug your keyboard, mouse and monitor into the wall. The Jack PC runs Windows CE and it’s equipped with an equivalent of a 800MHz to 1.2GHz x86 desktop processor.

The Jack PC comes in 3 models, ranging from £209 to £349, and it’s produced by a company in Israel, called Chip PC Technologies. So, if you’re fed up with your big old PC, you can always get a replacement the size of a small box, or one that can fit into your wall. Below are several pictures of the latter. (Note: The pictures are very large. If you enlarge them, please have patience while they load).

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